Impulsive eating behavior is defined as experiencing a sudden and unplanned urge to eat when facing hedonic food that is immediately gratifying and then acting on the impulse without careful deliberation on subsequent negative consequences. In fact, impulsive behavior contains two counteracting processes: desire for producing and self-control exerting, as many researchers pointed out. Impulsive eating is one of the most important reasons of obesity, and obesity can cause cancer, heart attack and diabetes etc., therefore, studying the impulsive eating behavior is very important to fight against obesity. Reward sensitivity, a stable 'psychobiological' personality trait, is a source of impulsiveness and and has been demonstrated by many studies to be related to food taking and overweight/obesity. Exploring the roles of reward sensitivity in impulsive eating behavior contributes to the deep understanding of impulsive eating behavior and providing ideas for solving obesity problems. The authors reviewed the dispersive relevant literatures about impulsive eating behavior and reward sensitivity, trying to provide a comprehensive understanding of the roles of reward sensitivity in impulsive eating behavior from the complicated, even inconsistent results of studies by organizing the literatures. The processes of impulsive eating behavior are: noticing hedonic food, producing urge to consume, exerting self-control. Firstly, the authors introduced the concept of reward sensitivity, the major research fields reward sensitivity involved in, and the biological basis of reward sensitivity. The authors also introduced the measuring methods of reward sensitivity including measurement of fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) and ERP (event-related potential), as well as scale measurement; secondly, the authors analyzed the relevant literatures about the effects of reward sensitivity on impulsive eating behavior and proposed that there are three paths that reward sensitivity affects impulsive eating behavior?