This paper is mainly engaged in the study of the combus- tion characteristics of 100 aviation gasoline pool fire through experi- ments and theoretical analysis. As is known, pool fire caused by the fuel leakage is a typical source of disaster in chemical industry. Therefore, it is necessary to study its combustion characteristics of the fire in different sizes it may lead to, including burning rate, heat-re- lease rate, thermal radiation properties and flame pulsation. There- fore, in proceeding with our research, we have established a system for tracing the pool fire combustion characteristics in different scales with heat release rate experimental platform of the State Key Labora- tory of Fire Science. The experimental results enable us to gain the burning rate of gasoline pool fire by real-time data gathering by means of electronic balance. Meanwhile, ISO 9705 heat-releasing rate mea- surement system has confirmed the heat release rate. When CCD camera was used to capture the flame, we have succeeded in estab- lishing-image processing device for analyzing the flame pulsation. We got thermal radiation characteristics through the flame heat flux ar- ranged in a certain distance off the pool. The experiment results we have gained show that the burning characteristics of such gasoline pool fire eft different sizes under study may include burning rate, heat release rate, thermal radiation properties as well as the flame pulsa- tion. The experiment indicates that steady burning rate tends to be greater than the theoretical value of the regular gasoline, whereas the maximum burning rate and attenuation factor prove to be greater than the literature value of regular gasoline. However, the heat release rate of small-size pool proves ins/able whereas the heat release rate turns to be more and more stable with the increase of the oil pool size. In addition, the flame pulsation becomes so obvious that the flame can be divided into continuous and intermittent sections. While the experimental pulse frequency turns to become