利用活体观察及银染法首次对采自广东大亚湾沿岸的盐菲阿虫Phialina salinarum Kahl,1928,海洋长吻虫Lacrymaria marina Kahl,1933,惊扰伪颈毛虫Pseudotrachelocerca trepida(Kahl,1928)Song,1990,贪食纤口虫Chaenea vorax Quennerstedt,1867,柱核柱毛虫Cyclotrichium cyclokaryon Meunier,1907和加冈栉毛虫Didinium gargantua Meunier,1910六种刺钩类纤毛虫进行了形态学研究,补充了活体形态学以及纤毛图式等分类学新信息。首次观察到了海洋长吻虫体纤毛基部的皮层颗粒和柱核柱毛虫大亚湾种群较青岛种群具有更多的体动基列等若干新信息。研究表明,刺钩类纤毛虫在大亚湾近岸水域具有较高的物种多样性。
Ciliated protozoa are an important and abundant component of aquatic ecosystems. Our knowledge on their distribution and the species inventory in South China Sea is still limited. Six free-living marine haptorid ciliates, Phialina salinarum Kahl, 1928, Lacrymaria marina Kahl, 1933, Pseudotrachelocerca trepida (Kahl, 1928) Song, 1990, Chaenea vorax Quennerstedt, 1867, Cyclotrichium cyclokaryon Meunier, 1907, and Didinium gargantua Meunier, 1910, isolated from the coastal waters (salinity 25‰—32‰) of the Daya Bay (114°34'E, 22°36'N), South China, were inves-tigated using live observation and protargol impregnation methods according to Song and Xu 1999. All of these six species were firstly reported from the South China Sea. Based on the Daya Bay populations, much more information par-ticularly with respect to their cortical granules, cell colour, infraciliature and other morphological features in vivo as well as original morphometric data were provided. Compared with related Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea species, some variable characters of these species were recorded. As a new contribution, present paper firstly disclosed another type of cortical granules of Lacrymaria marina and found the Daya Bay population of Cyclotrichium cyclokaryon having more somatic kineties than the Qingdao population. Meanwhile, this work indicates that there is a confirming support of evidence for the haptorid ciliates recognized at the coastal waters of the Daya Bay. A particularly fruitful line of investigation on the high biodiversity haptorid ciliates may be the exploration in these habitats from the South China Sea.