在生物量调查的基础上,对广西软阔林幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林、成熟林、过熟林5个不同林龄阶段的42个1000 m2样地进行调查,研究各林龄阶段碳储量及其分配格局。结果表明:软阔林生态系统总碳储量表现为成熟林(421.98 t·hm^-2)〉过熟林(405.23 t·hm^-2)〉近熟林(218.74 t·hm^-2)〉中龄林(172.94 t·hm^-2)〉幼龄林(164.20 t·hm^-2)。不同林龄碳储量分布除过熟林阶段植被层〉土壤层外,均为土壤层〉植被层〉凋落物;除成熟林阶段地上部分〉地下部分,其余阶段均为地下部分〉地上部分;其中植被层为32.03~222.43t·hm^-2,占总碳储量的30.03%~55.28%,随林龄的增长不断增加。凋落物层为1.51~3.58t·hm^-2,占总碳储量的0.69%~1.56%,随林龄的增长呈"M"型变化趋势。土壤层为117.33~294.54 t·hm^-2,占总碳储量的44.06%~75.69%,随林龄的增长总体上呈上升的趋势。植被层碳储量以乔木层最大(27.53~220.50 t·hm^-2),占植被层碳储量的16.77%~54.41%,随林龄的增长而增加,其中乔木层碳储量以树干为最大,为16.99~167.91 t·hm^-2,占乔木层碳储量的61.70%~76.15%,随林龄的增长而增加;根、叶所占比例分别为9.07%~18.60%、1.59%~6.62%,随林龄的增长而减少;枝的碳储量占3.08%~13.41%,随林龄的增长呈缓慢增加的趋势,在过熟林阶段有小幅度的下降。
Ecosystem carbon storage and its allocation in soft broadleaved forests were investigated across Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. In total,42 plots,each with an area of 1000m2,were selected. The plots covered five stand ages,i.e.,young forest,middle-aged forest,premature forest,mature forest and over-mature forest. The results showed that total ecosystem carbon storage ranked in the order of mature forest( 421.98 t·hm^-2) 〉over-mature forest( 405.23t·hm^-2) 〉pre-mature forest( 218.74 t·hm^-2) 〉middle-aged forest( 172.94 t·hm^-2) 〉young forest( 164.20 t·hm^-2). Carbon storage in different ecosystem compartments across different stand ages varied in the order of soil layer 〉aboveground layer 〉litter layer,except the mature forest for which carbon storage in the aboveground layer was greater than that in the soillayer. When carbon storage in the soil layer and litter layer was combined,carbon storage in the belowground part was greater than that in the aboveground part. However,the mature forest was an exception for which carbon storage in the aboveground part was greater than that in the belowground part. The carbon storage of the aboveground layer ranged from 32.03 to 222.43 t·hm^-2,which accounted for 30.03%- 55. 28% of the total carbon storage and increased with stand age.The carbon storage of litter layer ranged from 1. 51 to 3. 58 t · hm^-2,which accounted for0.69%-1.56% of the total carbon storage and showed an "M"type trend. The carbon storage of soil layer ranged from 117.33 to 294.54 t·hm^-2,which accounted for 44.06% to 75.69% of the total carbon storage and increased with stand age. The largest carbon pool for the aboveground layer was tree layer( ranging from 27. 53 to 220. 50 t · hm^-2),which accounted for 16.77%-54.41% of the aboveground layer carbon and increased with stand age. The largest carbon pool for the tree layer was in trunk( ranging from 16. 99 to 167. 91 t · hm^-2),which accounted for61.70%-76.15% of the carbon storage in the tree laye