To study the effect of multipath richness in the two-mirror channel on the characteristics of the hexapolarized multiple-input multiple-output (HPMIMO) channel, a co-located and orthogonal dual-polarized antenna was designed, composed of an electric dipole and an electric loop working at 28 GHz, based on which a virtual HPMIMO antenna was constructed. From the computation results, it is seen that with the reduction of the angle between the two reflection planes, the richness of the multipath increases gradually, and the capacity gain of the HPMIMO channel over the single-polarized channel gets large correspondingly, which can achieve 2.47 - 5.10. If the angle between the two planes is 0~, the capacity of the HPMIMO in the two-mirror chan- nel is larger than that in the free space (FS) and other channel with little muhipath by 30% -45%. Further- more, in both of the FS channel and the two-mirror channel, the HPMIMO channel matrix can obtain 6 non- zero eigenvalues, but some of them are very small and may approach zero if the multipath are not sufficiently rich. Thus, in order to get a high multiplexing and diversity gain, the multl-polarized MIMO antenna should be used in a rich multipath environment.