Based on the meteorological data from Lake Nam Co during the observation periods of 2012 to 2014,lake evaporation was calculated using nine different empirical formulas of the five groups.The results were compared with the eddy covariance(EC) data,and then the parameters of each formula were optimized.The optimized formulas were further evaluated on their accuracy and applicability.It is shown that the formulas of the Dalton group are the most accurate ones and yet they require daily data of more meteorological elements,which limits its wide application.The formula of the combination group is nearly as accurate as the Dalton's,but it also requires more meteorological elements.The formulas of both the temperature-radiation group and the temperaturedaylength group require less meteorological elements,but can acquire estimates with good accuracy.Due to this low cost and high effectiveness,these two groups are considered to be good choices for lake evaporation estimation when conventional meteorological data is only available.The formula of the temperature group was proved to be less accurate.As the monsoon climate is very strong at Lake Nam Co,the parameter optimation for all of the nine formulas was performed separately in terms of monsoon and non-monsoon seasons.Correlations of the conventional meteorological elements were also analyzed between Lake Nam Co and four other weather stations in the surrounding regions(Damxung,Shenzha,Bangor and Nagchu).Of the four meteorological elements,global radiation,air temperature and specific humidity are shown to have good linear relations in between the stations,which suggests that after linear calibration they can be well used in the calculations of lake evaporation without bringing large errors.However,the linear correlation is weak for wind speed.