The characteristics of datacenter applications as well as their traffic flows and the the inefficiency of state-of- the-art transmission control protocol (TCP) are analyzed, and it is pointed out that the large-scale interactive web applications in today' s datacenters have soft-real-time natures so there are deadline constraints associated with network flows, and that misseddeadlines are mainly caused by the partition-aggregate design pattern of the applications, combined with the fair-sharing congestion control protocols. Based on the analysis, the Priority-based Deadline-aware Datacenter TCP (PD^2TCP), a novel congestion control algorithm is proposed. PD2TCP assigns different priorities to flows according to their timeliness requirements and history information, and modulates the congestion window based on the priorities and the extent of congestion. The performance of the PD^2TCP was evaluated in a small-scale real environment and a large-scale environment, and the results showed that, compared to the deadlineaware datacenter TCP (D^2TCP), the PD^2TCP reduced the fraction of deadline-missing flows and the 99^th percentile normalized flow completion time by 65% and 45%, respectively. The pD^2TCP can co-exist with TCP, thus can be deployed in real datacenters.