In order to evaluate the relationships between snow/wind damage secondary forests in the Qingyuan Forest Ecological Experiment Chinese Academy of Sciences ( CAS ), severely damaged by differences of snow/wind damage were observed among species and tree species as well as forest types Station of the Institute of Applied Ecology, snow/wind, were investigated. Significant Betula costata exhibited the highest overall damage and Acer pseudo-sieboldianum the lowest. Types of damage were significantly different among species. Taller trees with greater be snapped, while shorter ones with smaller DBH were more likely types, defined by an importance value (IV), and snow/wind the dominant species were significantly different in the amount A. pseudo-sieboldianum as the dominant tree species. (snapping and bending) by snow/wind also DBH and larger crown were more likely to to be bent. The relationships between stand damage showed that stands with B. costata as of wind damage sustained from those stands with