Top-n推荐技术是近年来信息服务领域的一个研究重点和热点.针对云环境下的top-n推荐算法进行了深入研究,提出了适合top-n推荐的多层分布式存储架构MDSA(Multilayer Distributed Storage Architecture),并从降低网络传输代价出发,设计了基于MDSA架构的数据编码模式,进而利用map/reduce分布式编程模型来快速实现topn推荐.此外,为了满足实际的需求,给出了三种top-n推荐的应用扩展.理论分析和实验结果表明,本文所提的方法具有有效性和实用性.
Top-n recommendation technology has recently received a lot of attention in information service community. In this paper,w e study the problem of top-n recommendation under the cloud data. Firstly,w e propose a multilayer distributed storage architecture( M DSA) w hich can fit the need of top-n recommendation. Secondly,based on the consideration of reducing the cost of netw ork transmission,w e present the data encoding pattern w hich is based on the M DSA architecture.Lastly,w e fast realize top-n recommendation using the map / reduce distributed programming model. For satisfying the realistic requirement,w e further present three application variants of top-n recommendation. M assive experiments demonstrate that our approach is efficient and has high overall performance.