为探明黑龙江省春玉米合理的种植密度及氮肥最佳施用量,采用裂区设计分析了不同种植密度与不同氮肥施用量对玉米的产量和农艺性状的影响。结果表明:随着密度的提高,最大叶面积指数与产量增加显著;氮肥的施用促进最大叶面积指数增加,同时显著提高了产量。以密度90 000株.hm^-2,氮肥施用量225kg.hm^-2组合时获得较高产量。
In order to clarify the optimal application level of nitrogen and plant density in the growth process of spring maize in Heilongjiang province.The effects on the yield of maize and agronomic traits with different plant density and nitrogen fertilizer application were analyzed by a split-plot experiment.The results showed that the Max LAI and yield significantly increase with the increase of density,Increasing nitrogen fertilizer rate for maize could increase effective the Max LAI and yield,the highest yield was achieved at planting density of 90 000plant.hm^-2 and nitrogen fertilizer 225kg.hm^-2.