The microtubular organelles in the hypotrichous ciliate Stylonychia pustulata were analyzed by fluorescent labeling of FLUTAX and the anti-α tubulin antibody. These microtubular organelles consist of an adoral zone of membranelles (AZM) , undulating membranes (UM) , frontal-ventral-transverse-caudal cirri ( FVTCC), left and right marginal cirri ( L- and RMC), dorsal kinetics (DK), and the base-associated microtubules of the ciliatures. The microtubular cytoskeleton of the AZM is comprised of membranelle brackets, post-membranelle brackets microtubules, membranelle brackets microtubules, and the converse V-shaped microtubules between membranelle brackets. The base-associated microtubules of the UM form the microtubule cytoskeletal net. The base-associated microtubules of the FVTC, L-and RMC contain anterior longitudinal microtubules (ALM) , posterior longitudinal microtubules ( PLM ) and transverse microtubules ( TM ) , and the base-associated microtubules at different locations differ from each other in developmental degree. The ALM and PLM of the DK go forth from the base of ciliatures and extend to the anterior and posterior cortex, respectively, forming the microtubule net below the surface of the dorsal cortex. The result shows that these three types of base-associated microtubules ( ALM, PLM and TM) may be essential components in the base of microtubular organelles of hypotrichous ciliates. Compared with other hypotrichous ciliates, there are significant differences in orientation of the TM of the L-and RMC, and the constructive characteristics of the base-associated microtubules of the DK are similar to Stylonychia mytilus and Allotricha curdsi, It is concluded that the constructive characters of the TM of the L-and RMC are conservative within the same species, and the base-associated microtubules of the DK have similar constructive characters in the same family.