The hardware security situation that the globalization of integrated-circuit (IC) design and manufacture makes IC easy to implant hardware Trojans (HT) so it has the potential risks of malicious attacks, as well as the technical characteristics of present method for hardware Trojan detection, were analyzed in detail, and based on this, a novel hardware Trojan detection scheme based on static characteristics of Trojans, named HTChecker, was proposed. Based on the static features of Trojans, the HTCheckes uses the subgraph isomorphism technique to detect hardware Trojans. Compared with other schemes, the HTChecker can quickly and accurately detect hardware Trojans. For not to be limited to the capacity of memory, the HTCheckr uses the graph database to store large-scale circuits, thus it can effectively detect very large-scale circuits. The HTChecker was evaluated with random mixtures of Tro- jans and the circuits from ISCAS' 89 benchmarks and OpenCores. The experiments show that HTChecker can detect Trojans quickly and accurately without "Golden Chip" and it can efficiently cope with actual VLSI designs.