利用9个粮食主产省份1 224份农户调查数据,建立C-D生产函数对测土配方施肥技术培训服务对玉米产量影响的差异进行比较分析。研究结果表明:测土配方施肥技术培训对玉米增产具有显著正向影响,接受过培训的农户玉米产量比未培训农户高91.54斤/亩;在促进玉米产量水平提高的培训主体中,按影响程度由高到低排列为农资店、肥料企业、科研单位、农技推广站、合作社。基于研究结果,加大测土配方施肥技术培训力度和广度,培育多元化测土配方施肥技术培训主体是提高培训效果、促进粮食增产、提高农民收入的有效路径。
This paper researches on the influence of soil testing formula fertilization technical training on corn yield by using 1224 peasant household survey data in 9 major grain producing provinces through establishing C-D production function. The results prove that: soil testing formula fertilization technical training has a significant positive influence on corn yield; corn production of farmers who have been trained is 91.54 kg/mu higher than that of the farmers who are not trained; in training subjects for promoting corn yield level, according to the influence degree arranged from high to low, the order is agrieuhural material stores, fertilizer enterprises, scientific research units, station for popularizing agricultural technique and cooperatives. Based on the research result, to increase the intensity and breadth of soil testing formula fertilization technology training and to cultivate diversified training subjects of soil testing formula fertilization technology training are the effective methods to enhance training effect, promote yield increase for grains and improve rural income.