Monoterpenes derived from geranyl pyrophosphate(GPP)have been used as food flavors,pharmaceuticals,precursors for chemical synthesis and biofuels.As extraction from essential oils is still the most commonly used method for their production,the supply of monoterpenes is limited by natural resources.Recently,metabolic engineering has been developed to re-design microbes to synthesize novel compounds,including monoterpenes.To achieve this,it is essential to increase the supply of two precursors IPP and GPP.In this work,we amplified the none-mevalonate pathway(MEP pathway)in E.coli in order to increase intracellular IPP concentration.This combined with the introduction of GPP synthase(GPPS)and S-limonene synthase led to the successful production of S-limonene in E.coli.Our results provide the foundation for manufacturing important monoterpenes in bacteria.