针对在Windows CE.NET环境下进行驱动程序设计的难点及其设计时的具体特点和要求.主要介绍了基于Windows CE的两种驱动模型,即本机驱动程序和流接口驱动程序,并重点对流接口驱动程序开发方法的4个方面进行了较为详细的探讨和描述。进而,以串行接口为例,给出了具体的开发过程和部分源代码,以便于在此基础上举一反三、有效地进行其他多种类型接口程序的开发及更为深入的研究。
Considering the difficulty and special needs in developing Windows CE drivers, two driver models of Windows CE are explained in detail, i,e., native device driver and stream interface driver. Focusing on the stream interface driver, four steps in developing the program are also discussed. Then, taking the most commonly used serial port as an example, a develop method and its relative codes are presented. In this case, one can learn some about developing the drivers, and even about the drivers of other kinds of interface.