Wind loading is the control load for large span roofs. Due to the limited wind pressure data obtained from wind tunnel tests, it is quite meaningful to predict the targeted wind pressure fields employing the limited measured data. Considering the complicated wind pressure field of large span roofs, a simplified non-parametric simulation method is proposed. Karhunen-Lo~ve (KL for short) expansion is adopted to represent wind pressure random variants as eigen-functions of covariance operator. The nearest neighbour estimator is presented for transi- tion distribution of KL expansion to reduce the variant dimensionality. Then targeted wind pressures fields are ob- tained through Fourier basis expansion of eigen-functions and estimating the expansion coefficients to perform eigen- functions estimation. The method is applied to estimate the wind pressure fields of a large span roof, and wind pres- sure field related parameters are obtained, which are coincident with those from tests, with small errors and high ef- ficiency. It is found that the proposed method effectively reduces the dimensionality of the predicted wind pressure fields, and reaches the goal of small errors, high accuracy and efficiency for simulating the wind pressure fields of large span roofs.