随着网络技术发展,以网络虚拟化为手段解决TCP/IP网络体系结构僵化问题已成为未来网络领域发展的主流方向之一。SDN(software defined networking,软件定义网络)作为一种新兴的网络体系结构,为网络虚拟化提供了有效的解决方案。首先总结了当前具有代表性的SDN网络虚拟化平台,并对比了SDN与传统网络环境中部署虚拟网的区别,然后针对SDN网络虚拟化平台中的虚拟网络映射问题,提出一种时延敏感的虚拟化控制器放置算法,最后通过实验验证了该算法在提高网络资源的利用效率的同时,保证了控制器与底层交换机的通信时延在可接受范围之内。
With the development of the future interact technology, the future network architecture which utilizes net- work virtualization as a tool to solve the rigidity of traditional network becomes the main stream. As a new network architecture, software defined networking provides an effective network virtualization solution. Firstly, related tech- nology of network virtualization in SDN was concluded, distinguished differences between deploying virtual network in SDN and traditional network was compared, and aiming at the virtual network mapping problem in SDN virtual- ization platform, a latency sensitive SDN virtualization controller placement algorithm. At last, experiment results show that the algorithm not only can assure the delay between SDN controllers and switches in an acceptable range, but also improve the utilization efficiency of network resources.