【目的】试验探索无单性结实能力和自然单性结实的荔枝品种在杂环脲类细胞分裂素诱导下产生单性结实果和异常果的可能性,【方法】应用研制的杂环脲类细胞分裂素2 mg/L,对廉江良垌镇果园无单性结实的桂味、广良红、妃子笑和单性结实的海南无核荔枝在花期喷施果穗,10-15d再喷施1次,果实成熟取单性结实果、异常果和正常果样品测定并进行分析.【结果】花期应用杂环脲类细胞分裂素,使无单性结实能力的桂味、广良红、妃子笑和单性结实的海南无核品种荔枝诱导产生无核的单性结实果和异常果,但单性结实和异常果的果实比正常果实小,桂味、广良红、妃子笑单性结实果和海南无核异常果比正常果的平均单果重分别降低112.2%、29.5%、93.1%和79.3%;桂味、广良红荔枝单性结实果的可溶性固形物比正常果高,而妃子笑单性结实果和海南无核果的可溶性固形物比正常果低.【结论】试验说明杂环脲类细胞分裂素可以激发某些无单性结实能力的荔枝品种的单性结实潜能,无单性结实能力的荔枝可通过化学诱导产生单性结实果.
[Objective]The objective of the study is to explore the possibilities of the parthenocarpic seedless fruits of the non- parthenocarpic ability litchies and the abnormal fruits of the parthenocarpic a-bility litchi were produced by applying heterocyclic urea cytokinin-induction,[Method]2mg/L of the het-erocyclic urea cytokinin preparation were applied to spraying directly on the ears in flowering of non par-thenocarpic Guiwei,Guanglianghong,Feizixiao and of parthenocarpic Hainan Seedless Litchies at Lian-jiang Liangdong town's orchard,10-15d then sprayed 1 times,the parthenocarpic fruits,abnormal fruit and the normal fruits were sampled and determined analysis when they get ripe.[Result]The results showed that the parthenocarpic seedless fruits of the non- parthenocarpic ability Guiwei,Guanglianghong and Feizixiao litchies and the abnormal fruit of parthenocarpic Hainan Seedless litchi were induced by ap-plying heterocyclic urea cytokinin to Litchies in flowering,but parthenocarpic fruits were smaller than nor-mal fruit,the average fruit weights of the parthenocarpic fruit of Guiwei,Guanglianghong,Feizixiao litch-ies and of the abnormal fruit of Hainan Seedless litchi were decreased by 112.2%,29.5%,93.1% and 79. 3% relative to of the normal fruit respectively;the soluble solids contents of the parthenocarpic seedless fruits of Guiwei and Guanglianghong litchies were higher than of fruit of normal Guiwei and Guangliang-hong,and of the parthenocarpic fruit of Feizixiao and of the abnormal fruit of Hainan Seedless litchies were lower than of normal fruit.[Conclusion]The studies suggested that the parthenocarpic potential,of some non-parthenocarpic ability varieties of litchies may were stimulated by heterocyclic urea cytokinin,and the parthenocarpic fruits of the non-parthenocarpic ability litchies may were produced by chemical-induction process.