In the governance of academic misconduct, the first and also the most challenging step is the intervention of the academic community. In fact, the subject of academic misconduct is from the community, and this conduct affects not only the sub- ject himself but also the community as a whole. The indispensability and necessity of self - discipline of the academic community in the system of the governance of academic misconduct can be illustrated by the following points : Firstly, the nature of the aca- demic community accords with the requirement of freedom of academic activity; Secondly, the academic community permeates the whole process of academic misconduct; Thirdly, the academic misconduct damages the image of the community as a whole; Lastly, members of the academic community have a professional particularity that attaches great importance to academic reputa- tion. Its necessity and role determine that only by giving full play of the role of the academic community, can we progress in the governance of academic misconduct.