对中国柱衣属Pilophorus进行了系统的分类学研究。通过标本采集发现了6个种,包含过去报道的4个种:P. acicularis,P. cereolus,P. clavatus和P. curtulus,以及两个作者近期发表的种:P. fruticosus和P. yunnanensis。对这6个种进行了形态学,解剖学以及化学特征的描述,并且提供了中国柱衣属的检索表和形态特征。
A comprehensive taxonomic study of the genus Pilophorus from China is performed in this paper.Six species of Pilophorus are recognized from China.Among them,four are previously recorded:P.acicularis,P.cereolus,P.clavatus,P.curtulus,and two were recently described:P.fruticosus and P.yunnanensis.Brief description of each species is presented with morphological and chemical characters.A key to the genus is also provided.