2013 年10 月至2014 年4 月,采用样点和样线法,对南昌市5 个湖泊鸟类进行调查,共记录鸟类12 目40 科114 种,其中水鸟52 种.国家Ⅰ级保护鸟类3 种:东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)、黑鹳(Ciconia nigra)、白鹤(Grus leu-cogeranus).国家Ⅱ级保护鸟类6 种.就居留型而言,冬候鸟和留鸟种数较多,分别占鸟类总种数的49. 12%和36. 84%.各时期鸟类居留型组成略有差异.5 个湖泊中,艾溪湖鸟类种数(75 种)极显著高于其他湖泊(F4,30 =5. 474,P =0.002),水鸟种数占该湖泊鸟类总种数的比例(33.33%)最小,军山湖鸟类种数和林鸟种数均最少.金溪湖、青岚湖和军山湖水鸟种数均比艾溪湖和瑶湖高.瑶湖鸟类多样性指数和均匀性指数均最高,军山湖鸟类多样性指数和均匀性指数均最低,但优势度指数最高.5 个湖泊中鸟类相似性指数最高的是艾溪湖和瑶湖.2 个迁徙期5 个湖泊鸟类均匀性指数显著高于越冬期(F2,4 =8.352,P =0.037).秋季迁徙期水鸟种数和比例与越冬期相似,水鸟种数(F2,4 =10. 111,P =0.027)和比例(F2,4 =19. 867,P =0. 008)分别显著和极显著高于春季迁徙期.合理开发的城市湖泊仍可为鸟类提供良好的生存环境,水产养殖会降低湖泊鸟类多样性,使其群落结构单一.
Diversity of birds in the five lakes of Nanchang during the period from October 2013 to April 2014 was investi-gated using the line transect and point count methods. A total of 114 species of birds belonging to 40 families 12 orderswere recorded. Of the 114 species, 52 were water fowls, 3 [oriental white stork (Ciconia boyciana), black stork (Ciconianigra), siberian crane (Grus leucogeranus)] in the first category of national protected bird species and 6 in the secondcategory of national protected bird species. In terms of type of settlement, winter migrants and residents dominated the spe-cies observed, accounting for 49.12% and 36. 84%, respectively. Composition of the birds in type of settlement variedslightly with the season. Among the five lakes, the Aixi Lake was the highest (75 species) in number of bird species(F4,30 =5.474,P =0.002), but the lowest (33.33%) in proportion of water fowl species to the total bird species. TheJunshan Lake was the lowest in number of bird species and of forest bird species. The Jinxi