黄曲霉毒素B1、黄曲霉毒素M1具有极强“三致”作用,污染饲料、乳及乳制品,对奶牛业存在潜在的危害,给人类健康造成严重威胁.饲粮中AFB1转化为乳中AFM1呈现一定的规律,即日粮中AFB1浓度为10μg/kg时,牛奶中会出现AFM10.17 μg/kg.降低牛奶AFM1浓度最根本措施是减少饲料中AFB1的污染,防止饲料AFB1污染可以通过控制饲料含水量及防止储存地点污染等措施,饲料中AgB1脱毒解毒方法有物理法、化学法和生物学法等.
A atoxin B1 and flatoxin M1 have a strong carcinogenic, teratogenic and mutagenic effect, polluting feed, milk and dairy products which poses great threat to people's health. The certein regulation was exsited in conversion of milk AFMI from feed AFB1, 10.17μg/mg AFM1 was detected in milk, when the AFMI concertration in feed was 10 μg/mg. The fundamental procedure to reduce AFM1 concertration in milk was to reduce AFB~ pollution in feed. It can be prevented AFBI pollution in feed by servel methods including management of water content in feed and prevention of pollution in storage feed. The physical, chemical and biological methods were used to detoxfication of AFBI in feed.