背景与目的:探讨胶质瘤干祖细胞经荧光裸小鼠脑内移植后定居在脉络丛细胞并诱导其上皮细胞癌变的可能性及细胞融合在其中发挥的作用。方法:将人胶质瘤干细胞SU-3和标记红色荧光染料CM—Dil的鼠脑胶质瘤细胞系C6移植于表达绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)的裸小鼠脑内,用传统病理、分子免疫病理和荧光示踪技术对肿瘤细胞在宿主脑内侵袭对不同部位形成的肿瘤团块进行病理学分析。结果:接受尾状核移植的35只鼠和小脑移植的15只鼠全部致瘤.有6只尾状核移植鼠在侧脑室和第三脑室脉络丛见到肿瘤,有5只尾状核移植鼠在第三脑室脉络丛见到肿瘤,有5只小脑移植者在第四脑室脉络丛见到肿瘤。传统病理:肿瘤细胞和组织结构异形十分明显-细胞高度增生,一类是脉络丛结构基本保留,另一类是完全消失。荧光示踪:肿瘤团块中的细胞成分分为源于接种的肿瘤细胞(红色)、源于宿主的细胞(绿色)和两者的融合细胞(黄)。分子病理:肿瘤细胞高表达Nestin、Ki一67、角蛋白和GFAP。结论:根据癌干细胞(cancer stem cells,CSCs)定居于不同部位的形态学特征,尤其在脉络丛上形成的能表达相关标志蛋白的脉络丛癌样结构肿块,表明胶质瘤干细胞在特定环境下可诱导宿主细胞癌变.这一过程可能是通过细胞融合实现的,这对进一步研究胶质瘤干细胞分化走向和与宿主组织重构受定居地微生态环境影响有重要意义。
BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE: The idea of multiple differentiation capacity of glioma stem cells and progentior cells (GSCPs) has been widely accepted but the effect of local environment on the differentiation of GSCPs is unclear. In this study, we aimed to investigate the possibility of the fusion of GSCPs and choroid cells.METHODS: GSCPs SU3 and CM-Dil stained C6 cells (C6-Dil) were injected into the brain of GFP transgenic nude mice. The xenografts were sectioned. Morphological changes of tumor cells resided in the choroid plexus, molecular markers expression, and the relation- ship between the orignal tumor cells and host cells were studied carefully. RESULTS: The tumorigenicity rate was 40/40 (100%) in all of the inoculated nude mice. Cell morphology and molecular expression of neoplasm settled in choroid plexus showed that GSCPs-derived chorioidcarcinoma was developed. CONCLUSION: Our results showed that GSCPs may have the multiple differentiation capacity which can be induced by local environment of host brain as NSCs, and cell fusion may play a important role in the transformation.