前期研究发现,二甲基二硫醚(DMDS)对绿盲蝽成虫具有明显的趋避效果,但田间喷施应用的持效期较短.本文从缓释材料、缓释剂、稀释浓度等方面构建DMDS的缓释体系,并在枣园检验其缓释效果.结果表明:以PE小瓶为缓释材料、液体石蜡为缓释剂、稀释浓度为1∶10构建的DMDS缓释体系在田间的持效期达15 d以上.上述DMDS缓释体系在枣园成直线挂置使用,30 d后距趋避带10 m范围内的绿盲蝽越冬卵数量降低了48.0%.本研究为田间应用DMDS趋避防控绿盲蝽成虫奠定了重要基础.
Previous trials found that dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) showed obvious repellency to Apolygus lucorum adults under laboratory and field conditions. However, this effect only lasted 6 days after spray under field condition. In this study, we screened the slow-release materials, controlled release formulations, diluted concentration of DMDS, and eventually examined the lasting effect of slow-release system in the open field. The results showed that it could keep the slow-release effect of DMDS at least 15 d in the field when we used vial of PE and mineral oil under the dilution of 1 : 10. In addition, applying this slow-release system into jujube orchard after 30 d, it reduced 48.0% of the overwintering eggs of A. lucorum within 10 m from the repellent stripe. Our study provided the groundwork for the application of DMDS to control this mirid bug in the field.