t检验是统计学中用来检验2个未知方差正态总体均值关系的假设检验方法。当总体的方差不相等,且样本量也不相等时,Welch t检验是一种比Student's t检验更可靠的方法。该文将借鉴采用t检验对AES的实现进行侧信道信息泄露评估的方法,用Welch t检验来对3DES算法运行过程中的侧信道信息泄露进行评估,以衡量其是否可能受到一阶DPA攻击。该文构造了适合于3DES算法的Welch t检验方法,并对实现方法不同的3个运行3DES算法的设备进行了实验。实验结果表明该文的方法是有效的。
The t-test is a hypothesis test that deals with two Gaussian samples with unknown variances. When the two samples have unequal variances and unequal sample sizes, the Welch t-test is more reliable than the Student's t-test. This paper evaluates the 1st order side-channel information leakage of 3DES with an AES type t-test. Welch t-tests suitable for evaluating 3DES are given with tests on three different devices that show this method is effective.