利用地震数据反演海水的温盐分布是地震海洋学研究的-个重要方向.本文分析了采集于伊比利亚半岛西南缘海域的GOLR12低频地震数据和同步观测的XBT(eXpendable BathyThermograph)、CTD(ConductiVity-Temperature-Depth)资料,将叠后约束波阻抗反演方法应用到海水温度、盐度剖面的计算当中,计算结果显示这种反演方法可以提供水平分辨率为6.25 m的温度和盐度资料,温度的精度约为0.16℃,可以为物理海洋学研究提供高横向分辨率的基础数据.
Seismic oceanography has been widely used to detect many kinds of oceanographic features as a new oceanographic prospecting method. Inversion for temperature and salinity distributions from seismic data is a very important research field in seismic oceanography. We analyzed low frequency seismic data from one multichannel seismic (MCS) line acquired in the scope of the European GO Project (line GOLR-12) combined with the simultaneously acquired XBT (eXpendable BathyThermograph) and CTD (Conductivity-Temperature-Depth) data, which are located to the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula. We used a post-stack constrained impedance inversion method to derive temperature and salinity distributions of sea water and the result demonstrated that this method can indeed provide reliable temperature and salinity distribution profiles every 6. 25m along the seismic line, with the temperature resolution of 0. 16C. This method applied to good quality MCS data can provide high lateral-resolution temperature and salinity profiles for oceanographic research, using only a few oceanographic measurements to constrain the inversion procedure.