To investigate groundwater information flow method based on fuzzy leakage leakage from the left dam abutment clustering and entropy weights was used of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir, an to determine the supply sources of water according to analysis of 14 samples. Meanwhile, temperature and electric conductivity detection and interconnection testing were used to ascertain the concentrated leakage channels. The resuhs show that there were different supply sources of leakage water: shallow reservoir water (borehole 3 in drainage tunnel 1, borehole 35 in drainage tunnel 1, top hole 28 in drainage tunnel 2, top hole 94 in drainage tunnel 2, borehole 28 in drainage tunnel 4, borehole D-18 in drainage tunnel 30, and borehole RD-7 in drainage tunnel 30) ; deep reservoir water (borehole D-133 in drainage tunnel 30) ; the mixture of deep reservoir water, tail water, and local groundwater (borehole D-194 in drainage tunnel 30) ; and the mixture of tail water and local groundwater (borehole RD-37 in drainage tunnel 30). After implementation of some seepage control and reinforcement measures, such as curtain grouting and fault plugging, the total leakage flux at different reservoir water levels was reduced by a range of 25 % to 40%. Therefore, the proposed information flow method is effective in determining the supply source of leakage water.