广西柳城巨猿洞是迄今我国所发现的含爪兽化石最丰富的第四纪化石点。该化石点的爪兽上颊齿原尖强壮,呈圆锥状;次尖发育,呈新月形;原脊完全退失;m3齿带更发育;可归入我国第四纪较常见的中国黄昏爪兽(Hesperotherium siwme)。但柳城巨猿洞的标本明显比我国其他第四纪地点的爪兽较小,尤其是比早更新世晚期的代表小很多。在形态特征方面,柳城巨猿洞的爪兽与重庆巫山的最为接近,而与安徽繁昌及湖北建始的差异较大;但在牙齿的宽/长比值方面,却与安徽繁昌的最为接近。我国已发现的爪兽化石以单个牙齿为主,在分类鉴定方面存在诸多问题,通过牙齿测量的点散布图,可以有效地检验对零散爪兽牙齿齿序的鉴别是否正确。
The Gigantopithecus Cave in Liucheng, Guangxi, is a very well-known locality bearing rich Gigantopithecus materials and important Early Pleistocene mammalian fauna. Three mandibles and more than one thousand of isolated teeth of Gigantopithecus were recovered in the cave. Most of the fossil materials have been studied and published, such as Gigantopithecus ( Woo, 1962 ) , Equidae (Pei, 1961 ), Carnivora, Proboscidea and Rodentia (Pei, 1987), Artiodactyla ( Han, 1987 ) and part materials of tapirids ( Tong, 2005 ). But the materials of Rhinocerotidae and the Chalicotheridae remain unstudied.