The changes in the physical and chemical properties of the shallow cryic soil and its water and heat regimes in the wet meadow areas with non- or degraded vegetation were studied at the Fenghuoshan region on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. The corresponding eco-environmental effects resulting from the changes of the soil environment were discussed. The results showed that the vegetation degradation has led to the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, kalium and that organic matter decreased significantly, but the soil pH and volume weight increased, causing the soil to become impoverished and the loss of the soil carbon pool. The vegetation degradation also led to the shallow soil began to freeze and thaw to on earlier dates, the efficiency of cooling in warm seasons and heat insulating in cold seasons degraded. This resulted in the vegetation suffering from a physiological drought and a freezing damage, and the degradation of the wet meadow was intensified. The sod layer became thinner with the vegetation degradation, causing the water-holding and water-retention functions to decrease and the stability of the permafrost to decline. With the upper soil moisture and nutrients being infiltrated and lost rapidly, the vegetation would degrade further due to water shortage and malnutrition.