This paper divides the heterogeneous cross-border outsourcing into material outsourcing and service outsourcing and conducts a recalculation on the outsourcing rates. Then it introduces the value-chain division system into the theoretical analysis model of the influencing mechanism of het- erogeneous cross-border outsourcing on the productivity of manufacturing industry, so as to analyze the effect differences of the manufacturing industry productivity based on the panel data of the manu- facturing industry classified according to factor intensity. The results of the study indicate that the ser- vice outsourcing has a significant positive effect on the overall productivity of the manufacturing in- dustry, while the productivity effect of material outsourcing is not obvious. The heterogeneous cross-border outsourcing has different effects on the productivity of manufacturing industry with differ- ent factor intensity; the impact of service outsourcing on the productivity of capital or technology-in- tensive manufacturing industries is greater than that of labor or resource-intensive manufacturing indus- tries. However, the impact of material outsourcing on the productivity of labor or resource-intensive manufacturing industries and capital or technology-intensive manufacturing industries is not significant. The improvement of the industrial environment can play a significant role in promoting the productiv- ity of the manufacturing industry.