在实验室培养条件下,运用基于HPLC(高效液相色谱)的色素分析技术,以叶绿素a和主要类胡萝卜素的降解产物为指示,研究了海洋纤毛虫摄食微藻过程中对光合色素降解的影响以及降解规律.研究发现了对纤毛虫摄食活动有潜在指示意义的特征指示色素Pheophoribide a2.纤毛虫与桡足类对浮游植物的摄食过程对被摄食者色素降解影响规律不同.纤毛虫摄食过程对叶绿素a的降解效率显著低于桡足类摄食过程,且不存在对类胡萝卜素的降解偏好性.
This paper dealt with the effects of grazing by marine ciliates on decomposition of photosynthetic pigment in the laboratory experiment using HPLC protocol. We analyzed the degradation compounds of chlorophyll a (chla) and carotenoid to find the marking pigments of grazing. The results showed that there was different destruction by grazing between ciliates and copepods. The destruction efficiency on chl a was much lower for ciliate than that for copepod,there was no partial effects of carotenoid,the pheophoribide as might be the marker pigment for ciliate grazing.