在数据流QoS自适应框架中,针对如何为具有截止期和重要性两个特征参数的流数据分派优先级,在讨论了了当前调度算法优缺点的基础上,提出了称为截止期-重要性优先DIF(deadline-importance first)的实时调度算法,并利用链表给出了算法的实现.实验结果表明,在所有负载条件下DIF算法相对于EDF(earliest deadline first)算法、HVF(highest value first)算法和CDF(criticalness-deadline first)算法,在性能方面具有明显改善,特别在系统过载的情况下,能够优雅地降级.
In the QoS adaptation framework in data stream, focused on the data stream with two characteristic parameters (i. e. deadline and importance), discussing the disadvantages of the current scheduling algorithm proposed a DIF (deadline-importance first) real-time scheduling algorithm and use the list to implement the algorithm. The experiment results show that the DIF algorithm can improve the performance compared to the EDF (earliest deadline first), HVF (highest value first) and CDF (criticalness-deadline first) algorithms, especial when the load is heavy, the performance can degrade gracefully.