[目的]探求小麦氮肥最佳用量与合理施用方法。[方法]本文开展了减少氮肥用量与不同施用方法对土壤养分及小麦生长影响的田间试验。[结果]减施一定量的氮肥,在小麦苗期土壤0-20 cm土层铵态氮含量与硝态氮含量并不显著减少,对小麦苗期土壤的有效磷与速效钾影响不明显;减施一定量的氮肥对小麦的叶绿素含量影响不显著;减施一定量的氮肥对小麦生长氮含量的影响不明显,但减少了小麦籽粒与秸杆的氮含量,对磷、钾的含量影响不明显。[结论]从经济与环境的角度综合考虑,减施20%氮肥是可行的。
[Objective]The present study aimed to explore the reasonable application amount of nitrogen fertilizer and optimal applicationmethod. [ Method] In this field test, the effects of decreasing nitrogen fertilizer amount and optimal application method on soil nutrients andwheat growth were studied. [ Result] Soil N-NH4+ and N-NO3- contents of soils at 0 - 20 cm depth in wheat seedling was not significantly de-clined when nitrogen fertilizer was decreased, and available P and K were not affected. The chlorophyll content of wheat was not affected bydecreasing nitrogen fertilizer. Although nitrogen content of wheat growth stage was not affected by decreasing nitrogen fertilizer, the nitrogencontents of wheat grain and straw were descended with the decrease of nitrogen fertilizer, and phosphorus and potassium contents were insig-nificantly affected by decreasing nitrogen fertilizer. [ Conclusion ] Considering economy and environment, 20 % nitrogen fertilizer decreasedwas feasible.