With SEM/EDS, Si, Al, O, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mg, Ca, Ti, K, Na were tested in the fly ash.The high content of O showed they were oxides, and the main oxides were SiO2 and Al2O3 whose element percent was 57.64 %, 31.09 % respectively. At the same time, some special microstructure were found by SEM, and some special element distribution was discovered by SEM/EDS. There was single particle composed with silica or ferric oxide, whose figure was different to the spherical particle, and they were flat and elliptical. At the mode of backscatter of SEM/EDS, Ba was found in the fly ash and there was no other heavy metal. Many facts proved that the fly ash was composed randomly with some oxides, such as SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 etc.