Purpose:This study aimed to verifiy the viability and effectiveness of time-domain diffuse optical tomography (DOT) method used in this article by phantom experiment.Methods:The methodology was based on a specifically designed multi-channel time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) DOT system as well as image reconstruction scheme that employed the diffusion equation as the forward model.We had validated the methodology using cylindrical-shaped phantom experiment,and we obtained the images of absorption and scattering coefficients.Results:The reconstructed image showed that the DOT method was able to reasonably disclose the target location,but the recovered target size was larger than actual situation.For the quantitative ratio,both recovered values were below the actual value.Conclusion:We tested the proposed approach in two-dimensional experiment.The result showed that the proposed methodology,combining with the specifically-designed multi-channel TCSPC system,can successfully recover the target size,location and optical values.Clinical evaluations of the proposed methodology are going on and the results will be reported in successive papers.