The Yuximolegai tunnel on the G217 national highway in Xinjiang is located in a high-altitude seasonal frozen-ground region. In order to ensure its safe operation, it is necessary to study its temperature field and deter- mine a proper insulation layer thickness. An automatic temperature monitor was used to obtain temperature varia- tions at different radial depths of the Yuximolegai tunnel. Based on the calculating parameters determined by labora- tory tests, the model boundary conditions were determined by fitting the analytical results of field temperature moni- toring. The temperatures obtained by field monitoring were compared with those determined by the temperature field calculation without an insulating layer, and their changing tendencies are basically in agreement. Further analysis was conducted on the reliability of the 5 cm-thick insulating layer used in the field, and the calculations show that there is a freeze scope of 0.4 m behind the lining wall. The expanding law of the freezing front was analyzed and re- suits indicate that the freezing front expands fastest and for the farthest distance on the spandrel and bottom, where the most dangerous positions on the whole cross section are. Ultimately, the required thickness of the insulating lay- er was calculated according to the criteria of whether or not the temperature outside the spandrel and bottom lining layer is 0℃.