In a long-distance large-scale pipeline system , the detained air pockets during filling are usual ly considered that they have a significant impact on the conveyance efficient and safe operation. To assess the effect of detained air pockets , the sensitivity analysis of conveyance efficient is performed firstly. Based on the thermodynamic principles , the geometry relationships of air pockets between prototype and model are derived , which provide a theoretical basis to assess the effect of detained air pockets. Under the condition of the existing air vents layout of Beijing West 4th Ring Road culvert in South-to-North Water Diversion , based on the physical model test , the effect of detained air pockets upon the conveyance capacity in proto type are qualitatively analyzed , and we derived that the existing layout of air vents is reasonable , and the decreased conveyance capacity due to air pockets in prototype is less than 1.07% in the model. The effect is so little that it can be ignored in the project operation.