With the model of reducing robustness of distributed multi-agent system, the distributed artificial immune system was regarded as an ideal distributed multi-agent system, so the robustness analysis problem of the distributed artificial immune system was reduced into the robustness analysis problems of all the independent modules of the system. The artificial immune system includes the module of modelling the normal model, the module of detecting sells and non-sells, the module of recognizing known non-sells, the module of learning unknown non-sells, the module of eliminating non-sells and the module of repairing the damaged system. After analyzing the robustness of the artificial immune system with the problem reduction method, the model of reducing robustness of the distributed artificial immune system was built. Proved by some theorems, the model of reducing robustness can reduce and simplify the robustness analysis problem of the distributed artificial immune system, and the problem can be solved after the robustness analysis problems of all the modules were solved. The results show that the model of reducing robustness of the distributed artificial immune system is a useful tool to analyze robustness, and it can provide an effective approach to analyzing robustness of complex artificial immune system.