In this paper, the entanglement dynamics in a system composed of two two-level atoms and a reservoir at zero temperature are researched. Considering the dipole-dipole interaction of two atoms and the detuning between atoms and reservoir, the influence to the entanglement by different parameters is analyzed in the initially entangled and unentangled cases. We calculate the bipartite entanglement between two atoms, atom and reservoir and also the tripartite entanglement of the system. The results indicate that all the bipartite entanglements go to zero when the two atoms are in the maximum entanglement initially. The entanglement between atom and reservoir is spoiled while the atomic entanglement and tripartite entanglement strengthens with the increase of dipole-dipole interaction strength. Similarly, the atomic entanglement is strengthened while the entanglement between atom and reservoir as well as the tripartite entanglement is spoiled with the increase of the detuning between atoms and reservoir.