All the previous certificate-based Proxy Re-Encryption( PRE) schemes are based on the computationallyheavy bilinear pairings,and thus have low computation efficiency. To solve this problem,a certificate-based proxy reencryption scheme without relying on the bilinear pairings was proposed over the elliptic curve group. Under the hardness assumption of the Computational Diffie-Hellman( CDH) problem, the proposed scheme was formally proven to be indistinguishable against adaptively chosen-ciphertext attacks in the random oracle model. Due to avoiding the time-consuming bilinear pairing operations,the proposed scheme significantly reduced the computation cost. Compared with the previous certificate-based proxy re-encryption schemes with bilinear pairings,the analysis shows that the proposed scheme has obvious advantages in both the computation efficiency and the communication cost, and the scheme is more suitable for the computation-constrained and bandwidth-limited applications.