西渡社区卫生服务中心地处奉贤区北大门,位于美丽的黄浦江畔,地理位置优越,交通便利,管辖区域49.57 km~2,辖31个村(居)委,由肖塘总部、西渡口门诊部组成,下设九华社区卫生服务站和10家村卫生室,开放床位70张,拥有全科、中医、妇女保健、口腔、康复等医疗服务团队。服务范围覆盖西渡街道和奉浦街道区域近20万的社区群众。中心建筑面积5 742.05m~2,目前在岗职工164人,其中卫技人员140人,全科医师26人,本科学历72人,中、高级职称49人,持证带教师资16人,管理乡村医生32人。中心于2013年成功创建为上海市示范社区卫生服务中心,同年11月成功创建为奉贤区唯一一家上海市住院医师规范化培训社区教学基地。
The primary gout is a common metabolic disease. With changes of diet and lifestyle, the incidence of gout is increasing year by year. According to the different clinical manifestations, gout can be divided into different periods or stages. The treatment of gout in different stages is various. The therapeutic principles of gout are controlling acute gouty arthritis, preventing acute attack, correcting hyperuricemia, and dealing with chronic complications. The treatment of gout should be standardized, as there are still some misunderstandings at present.