近年来,东南沿海地区中小城镇迅速崛起,大大促进了该区域经济的发展,但随之带来的环境恶化问题已明显影响到该区域经济的持续发展,威胁到人类生存环境。为此,运用长期水文影响模型中的非点源污染负荷计算模块(L-THIA NPS),结合GIS技术对东南沿海地区溪口流域的溶解态氮(TIN)污染负荷进行估算和空间分布模拟,将模拟结果和土地利用/覆盖图可视化显示并进行分析,从而使污染负荷的模拟结果可以更好地为流域非点源污染防治和环境管理措施的制定提供决策依据。
In recent years, many middle/small cities grow up rapidly, which greatly spurs the economy development in Southeast China. However, the deterioration of environment it causes has had obvious impacts on the economy to continue to grow, and a threat to survival surrounding of people in the area. Therefore, the TIN pollution load in the Xikou basin of Southeast China is estimated using the L-THIA (Long-term Hydrological Impact Analysis) model and integrated GIS technique. The spatial distribution of the TIN pollution load is simulated and displayed. The result is visualized so that the simulating is easier to understand and is more helpful in the prevention of pollution and making control measures for the basin.