随着时间频率标准和光纤通信网络的发展,利用通信光纤传输时间频率信号体现出巨大的精度优势。报告了中国科学院国家授时中心在光纤时间频率传递方面的研究进展。利用PDH方法和超低膨胀系数玻璃光学参考腔获得用作光频传输光源的1.9 Hz线宽1 550 nm超稳窄线宽激光,并在实验室光纤上进行传输相位噪声抑制,获得8.5×10^-17的传输稳定度(110 km,秒稳),在实地光纤112 km上也获得了接近的光频传输稳定度。提出并验证光纤光频传递相位噪声的用户端补偿方法,可用于光频传输多用户网络。利用临潼—西安56 km实地光纤将UTC(NTSC)信号传递到西安航天城,实现两地的时间同步,同步稳定度优于30 ps。
Along with the development of time and frequency standards and fiber networks, the potential of higher accuracy and stability has been found from the fiber-based time and frequency transfer. The latest results on time and frequency transfer via fiber in the national time service center is reported. A 1550-nm CW laser with a bandwidth of only 1.9 Hz, which is obtained by locking a commercial fiber laser to an ULE optical cavity using the so-called P-D-H method, is applied as the optical carrier of optical frequency transfer. The transfer stability via 110-km coiled fiber is 8.5×10^-17 at 1s averaging time, while the 112-km urban fiber links show the similar transfer stability. Simultaneously, a new fiber-noise compensating method is presented to compensate the fiber induced phase noise of laser at the user's end. A 56 km urban fiber is applied to transfer the UTC(NTSC) signal from Lintong to Xi'an and the transfer stability is less than 30 ps.