The demand for wood grows rapidly around the world, especially in China where the wood supply has failed to meet the needs of economic development. With the widening gap between wood supply and demand, more and more attention has been paid to bamboo as an alternative, and bamboo scrimber is a bamboo production with great de- velopment potential. The traditional cold pressing process in bamboo scrimber manufacturing is semi-antomatic and la- bor-intensive. To increase the efficiency of bamboo scrimber cold pressing, the cold pressing process was investigated and deeply analyzed. The mechanical modules of the automatic bamboo scrimber cold pressing unit were developed, and a control system was designed for it. The system was controlled by PLC and programmed modularly by using STEP7-Micro/WIN. The production line data from various sensors were collected and analyzed by the system instant- ly. The control instruction was then sent to the actuators to realize the remote feeding and automatic loading and unloa- ding. The system can lower labor cost and intensity, and increase the production coordination and efficiency.