在TMS320C6455上实现了音视频编码标准(Audio and video coding standard,AVS)视频标准标清视频的实时编码,高清视频码流的实时解码。以AVS参考代码RM52i为软件基础,综合考虑TMS320C6455的性能和AVS视频编解码器的实现方式,采用了系统结构优化、线性汇编优化、存储空间优化、EDMA辅助数据搬移等多种优化措施,最终实现了对720×576分辨率视频的实时编码和1920×1080分辨率高清码流的实时解码。
A real-time standard resolution encoder and a real-time high resolution decoder are implemented on TMS320C6455 of Texas Instruments. It is based on the referenced standard code RM52i. considering the hardware performance and the audio and video coding standard (AVS) video standard, a variety of methods are adopted to optimize the codee, including sys- tem architecture adjustment, assembly optimization, memory space allocation and EDMA data transit. With the proposed method, a real-time 720 × 576 video encoder and a real-time 1 920 ×1 080 video decoder running at 25 frames per second are achieved eventually.