Under different flood encounter cases, the siltation character in confluence river reaches is unlike the situation in single channel in reservoir area. Based on the confluence of Daling River and Mangniu Riv er in Baishi reservoir, the paper investigates the deposit volume and distribution under different cases by using physical model test. The results show: due to the impoundment and huge sediment transportation from tributary, there was always silting in the river confluence reaches, while the orders of mainstream flood and tributary flood affected the result notably. When two rivers flood occurred at the same time, the siltation volume were least and mainly in the tributary, deposit thickness decreased along the channel. If the mainstream flood occurred earlier, deposit volume in confluence region is greatest among all these cases; and its thickness first increases then decreases. If the mainstream flood came after the tributary flood, the deposit concentrated in mainstream channel and confluence region, revealed the features of large range of siltation but smaller thickness.