According to the charactdristics of unconventional emergencies, this paper an- alyzes unconventional emergency scenario-response multidimensional scenario factors, also gives the characteristic parameters and its symbolic representation of the scenario factors. Based on traditional information entropy, this paper defines the unconventional emergency scenario-response multidimensional scenario entropy. The generalized component distribu- tion probability of the multidimensional scenario entropy is established based on the thoughts of energy distribution and based on it, this paper describes the heterogeneous degree and sin- gular degree of the unconventional emergency scenario sequence in different state space. The features of the unconventional emergency multidimensional scenario entropy are discussed and proved, such as boundedness, extensibility, affirmation, strong additivity, recursion, and the role of these characteristics are further discussed in unconventional emergency scenario- response. Taking yunnan earthquake disaster for example, the multidimensional scenario entropy theory and method are analyzed. The multiple scenario entropy values are cal- culated in the process of earthquake disaster and the size relations are compared between the scenario space transform singularity situation and multidimensional scenario entropy value, the result verifies forecasting function of the multidimensional scenario entropy in the unconventional emergencies occurrence, transformation, contagion, coupling process. The research of this paper has important practical significance for the decision makers with a corresponding decision basis.