By means of analyzing field monitored data and numerical calculation in jisan mine, the relationships of drilling crumbs, support pressure and drilling stress are established. Based on this, the real-time monitoring and precaution system of rockbursts is developed. By taking the stress measurement instead of drilling crumbs as main monitoring specifications and monitoring the change rules of stress field at the front of the work face, the continuous and real-time monitoring and precaution for the rockburst dangerous areas and danger severity could be implemented by the system. The self-developed precaution analysis software can display bearing stress dynamic contour and monitoring point stress column. Additionally, the dangerous areas and dangerous levels are estimated by setting the warning threshold value. So, the possible occurrence of rockbursts is predicted. By applying this monitoring and precaution system to some rockbursts mines, it is proved that the system can predict the precautions dangerous areas and dangerous levels accurately. In this way, the secure development of dangerous working faces with severe rockbursts can be done.