乙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis Bvirus,HBV)感染慢性化是HBV感染中一种较常见的情形。多项遗传流行病学研究已证明,造成HBV感染慢性化的因素除了HBV本身等因素外,还与机体的遗传易感性有关。研究HBV感染慢性化的宿主遗传易感性具有重要的意义,现有研究已发现人类白细胞抗原(humanleucocyte antigen,HLA)、细胞因子(eytokine)及其受体等众多HBV感染慢性化的易感基因。
Persistent HBV infection has been considered a multifactorial and polygenie disorder involving many viral, environmental, and genetic factors. A number of genetic and epidemic studies demonstrate that besides HBV per se, host genetic susceptibility is associated with the ehronicity of HBV infection. The identification of susc, eptibility genes involved in the persistent HBV infeetion is of great significance. Previous studies have identified many susceptibility genes of persistent HBV infec- tion, including genes that can encode human leucocyte antigen (HLA) , cytokines and their recep- tors. Here, we review the progress in recent years in this research field.