通过对金沟岭林场云冷杉针阔混交林36.5 hm^2中的75个林隙的调查,研究了人工经营条件下天然云冷杉针阔混交林生态系统中的林隙大小结构,以及不同大小结构下的林隙更新情况。结果表明:该类森林内的林隙形成方式以择伐为主,40~60 m^2的林隙数量最多,该类林隙多由2~3棵形成木构成,林隙密度是20.5%;在20~40 m^2的林隙中更新情况最好,多由1~2株林木被伐形成。因此建议采伐作业时不要连续采伐2株以上,以保持好的天然更新环境,维护森林生态系统的连续性和稳定性。
Through investigation on 75 gaps in Spruce-fir mixed stand in Jingouling forest farm in Changbai mountains,the structure of gap size and the constitution of regeneration are studied.The result shows that the gaps in this kind of forest stand are formed by cutting.Gaps in 40~60 m^2 have the most quantity,the structure of gap size is made of 2 to 3 making trees.The density of gap is 20.5%.So it is better to cut down 1 or 2 trees once time,which can maintain the stability of the forest ecosystem.